December 12, 2022

Spending too much time on social media? Here’s our solution!

Can you remember how you ended up here? Was reading this blog your intention when you picked up your phone? Or were you actually just setting your alarm and accidentally opened up another app and got caught in scrolling for longer than you intended? We’ve been there, and don’t worry it happens to all of us for a reason.

As Johann Hari explains in his article Your attention didn’t collapse. It was stolen, over the last years companies have been finding more and more ways to lure people into using their products longer and longer. Why? They don’t necessarily mean any harm, they’re just concerned about profit. The more time you spend scrolling posts, the more ads you see, the more profit the companies make. In a way, it’s the logical thing to do. What it doesn’t take into account is the impact on the individual. On you. And that impact is rather big.  

Azra Raskin, the inventor of the infinite scroll that allows you to scroll for new content until forever, calculated that his invention alone led people to spend an average of 50% more time on social media sites like Twitter. He calculated the impact on the billions of people that spend more time scrolling. It equaled a total of 200,000 total human lifetimes, from birth to death, infinity scrolling every second of their lives.  Can you imagine if that time would be used for something good?

How To Limit Your Time On Social Media and Flow Into Productivity

Memri helps people take back their attention without having to end up in isolation. We believe it shouldn’t take inhumane willpower and strength to stay calm and focussed. Throwing out your smartphone could give you that, but it will be hard to participate in today’s society without it. Yes, it can be done, but it’s getting harder and harder. Since and during the pandemic people that didn’t use a smartphone were struggling without having a phone to show their QR-codes. And let’s be honest, can you imagine living a life without a smartphone?

That’s why we want to help you take back control of your attention, and enable you to focus on what’s important, without missing out on anything that matters. With Memri you regain control over how much time you spend scrolling and what topics you see. Our AI preprocesses organize your feed so you can choose upfront what to focus on for how long and when. It’s your brain, it’s your attention, you should be the one who decides how to use it.  

JOMO: The Joy Of Missing Out (On All the Noise)

We’ve all heard about FOMO, the Fear of Missing Out. It’s the fear people (subconsciously) have when scrolling through their feed looking for the next best thing. Because who knows, if you stop scrolling too early you might miss out on the best post in history! While scrolling we take all the noise, nonsense and ads for granted.

But what’s the opposite of FOMO? It’s JOMO: the Joy Of Missing Out. And more precisely, the joy of missing out on all the noise, the ads, the random posts, the bots, the topics you’re not interested in, the clickbait-headers without any real news, all of it. Just imagine the joy of seeing only the posts that matter to you, save them for later, set reminders or add tags yourself so you can quickly find them again.

Retake your attention, find your flow and most of all, experience the Joy of Missing Out!

Even if you weren’t intending to read this blog when you opened up your phone, we’re still happy you did!

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shaping a future of possibilities

We envision a future where individuals regain control over their digital experiences, where data sovereignty is a birthright, and where privacy and trust are foundational pillars of the online world.

By integrating regenerative AI solutions responsibly, we aim to create an ecosystem that empowers individuals, fosters inclusivity, and cultivates sustainable growth.


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